Virtual Assistants To Support The Real Estate Agent

virtual assistant for real estate can become essential support for the real estate agent. There is a widespread belief that adopting technological innovations always has a negative impact on the labor market. However, years of advances have shown that this is not exactly the case.

The fear that technology will leave thousands of people out of work adds to an uncertain situation caused by the pandemic. In 6 months of 2020, more than 1,300 jobs have been destroyed in the real estate sector alone.

However, the implementation of conversational agents does not have to translate into a reduction in employment opportunities, quite the opposite. Its impact will have much more to do with the redefinition of tasks and personal qualifications.

This transformation will occur in all sectors, but focusing on Real Estate , virtual assistants will become vital support for the work of the real estate agent.

Indeed, in the day-to-day life of a real estate agency, recurring tasks appear that are necessary for the performance of this work, but that do not add value to the professional who performs them . This is where a conversational assistant will add value to the real estate agent, while improving the company's results. We are going to explain some of these tasks that will be optimized thanks to joint human-machine work .

Support to the real estate agent in the qualification of tasks

One of the opportunities that a virtual assistant offers is to filter the contacts established by potential clients . The conversational bot can be programmed to resolve doubts (FAQ) or carry out other types of operations. But, in addition, you can refer the conversation with a user who demands more specific attention to an agent.

In this way, the real estate staff is freed from tasks in which they do not have the possibility of adding value, focusing on other more qualified tasks.

Real estate agent specialization

One of the drawbacks of a real estate agent's job is the need to control all types of information. This means that you have an approximate knowledge of all the areas and their operations, but perhaps not so in-depth.

By implementing a virtual assistant and freeing the real estate agent from mechanical tasks , they are given the opportunity to dedicate time to others that really add value to the client, their work and the company itself. It allows you, therefore, to specialize in areas or services .

Even the assistant developed for a real estate agency presents a certain level of specialization, since each query will be derived to a specific intent aimed at resolving the user's request.

Data history

Another advantage of this type of tools for a real estate agent is the possibility of having a history of the conversation. This prevents information already offered from being lost or the client having to reiterate any information.

For example, if the client has already explained the characteristics of the property they are looking for, the agent can begin their conversation based on that information. Likewise, you can have the argument prepared based on the limited list that the wizard has offered , saving you this filtering task.

On the other hand, virtual assistants developed in can connect to external tools, such as Salesforce or other CRMs . This makes it easier to track the procedures that the bot and agent have carried out with each client.

Close of operations

A virtual assistant built in is much more than a chatbot that resolves frequently asked questions. Thanks to the understanding of natural language (NLP) and its training, you can close operations without the need for human intervention.

In addition to those already mentioned, such as confirming the appointment of a visit, it can guide the user in the formalization of documents or receive and send specific documentation.

More uses of virtual assistants in the real estate sector

In addition to supporting the real estate agent, a virtual assistant for real estate offers many more advantages to companies in this sector . We have talked to you about them in previous posts, as well as the benefits that having a tool of this type means for clients, both when selling a property or finding a new home.

Also Read: Everything You Need to Know About Virtual Assistant Real Estate

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